Monday, March 21, 2011

This is a Journey, not at Destination

So St. Patrick's Day. Where to start. Technically it started at 9:30 am. My roommates and I joined some friends from our hall, and ended up starting at a friend's who lives about a 40 minute walk away. We took a taxi since we didn't want to carry everything for the walk. After hanging out there for a while, we walked into town for the parade. The parade wasn't exactly what I was expecting, but was cool to see none the less. People on stilts, dancers, bagpipes, the whole package :) After the parade was over, we retired back to our friends house for a few hours before heading into town for the night. Let me just say right now, downtown was crazy. I'm not sure I've ever seen that many people in one place in my entire life. I'd say 80% of Galway was somewhere in town. It was awesome! It was a day that I'll never forget, that's for sure :)

Group picture from St. Patrick's Day :)
Galway Girls!
Now that St. Paddy's Day is over and done with, it's finally starting to hit that I only have so much time left here. It's making me sad that I'm actually going to have to leave here! This is one of my last weekends here in Galway before the serious traveling starts. The weekend after this I'm in London, next weekend is hopefully Austria, then Germany, then Scotland, then exams start. It's going to be a crazy couple of weeks, that's for sure. I'm just praying that everything works out the way I want it too!

The past few days have been the first in the 2 1/2 months that I've honestly been homesick. Almost to the point that I thought "I want to go home". The only thing I've wanted was to cuddle up with my dog and my cats, which sounds pathetic, I know. I called my friends Tyler and Erika and my roommate from home Courtney, and thankfully they were able to snap me out of it. What would I ever do without them? I seriously am missing them like crazy. After talking to them, I realized that I'm so lucky to be here and that it's shouldn't be all about what's happening tomorrow, but about what you can do today. This whole time here is a journey that I'm supposed to grow and learn from. Don't worry about what you can't change and learn to let things go. If you never let go of the bad things, you'll never be able to truly experience the wonderful things that are going on around you.

Erin Go Bragh

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