Monday, February 28, 2011

2 Months? Woah. When did that happen?

Holy crap, I just realized I’ve been in Ireland for 2 months. That is so crazy for me to think about. My time here has gone so ridiculously fast. As much as I miss my dog, my cats, my family and friends, I can tell you right now that I’m going to be extremely sad to leave here. I haven’t had the time/opportunity to travel out of the country a bunch since I’ve been here, so I’ve gotten to know and love Ireland, especially Galway. I’m so glad that I chose Galway over Dublin. Not that Dublin wasn’t amazing and cool, it’s just that Galway has a homey, chill atmosphere that Dublin just doesn’t have.
Moving on, my roommate Paige just enlightened me on what the hell a Turduncken is. Basically it’s a duck inside a chicken, inside a turkey. I don’t know whether to be intrigued or disgusted. I think I’m going to just go with a combination of the two. Also our apartment seems to be best friends with breaking things. Between the four of us, we have broken somewhere around 6 things, four of which have been my fault. I think I should just keep everything on the floor or something, save myself the trouble of having to clean up the things I break.  Also we had a roommate Valentine's Day. We made dinner together and Paige bought us a wonderful cake to share. It was awesome :)

Roommate Cake <3

Now on to the different trips that I’m planning!  This weekend, I am hoping to go to Connemara (Irish weather permitting), then the weekend after I may be going up to Belfast. March also means that St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland. How sweet is that?! I’ve heard it gets crazy in town, which I totally believe. This should be interesting, and by interesting I mean awesome. Thank God I don’t have classes the next day. After St. Patrick’s Day, I’m around Galway until the last week since those are the last few weeks of class. The first week of April, I’m hoping to go visit my friend who is in Germany, and a friend who is studying abroad in Austria. If not, then I’m just going to just backpack around and see where I end up since there will be no more classes to worry about.
I’ve also noticed that I miss singing sooo much! When I’m at home in Cincy I can totally jam out in my car, in the shower, in my room when everyone else is asleep, you get the gist. But here the walls are like paper and I’m always surrounded my people and I’d rather not freak anyone out by random singing. I tried to join the choir society here, but the times they meet are times when I have class, which is totally inconvenient. I totally started lip syncing/dancing on the walk home; needless to say I got some odd looks from people considering it was like, noon on a Tuesday and plenty of people walking around. Later walking around town, I noticed a music store was going out of business sale (half off!!). I went in and bought a ton of new music for a fairly low price. I got Mumford & Sons, the 2 Adele CDs, Florence & the Machine 2 disc set, the new Radiohead cd, the best of Michael Jackson, and Imelda May. Not to mention the 2,000 songs I got from my friend Korali. Needless to say I’ve been jamming out to some great music while trying to do my homework J

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