Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I think it's safe to say that I never realized just how much planning and effort goes into planning a weekend trip. Like for real. You have to worry about the plane tickets, where you're staying, what you're going to do once you get there (and how to get to where you want to see), how much everything costs, how you're getting back, and the list goes on, and on, and on.

I'm currently working on plans to go to Scotland, Germany, Poland, Austria, London, Belfast in Northern Ireland, and a few other places around Ireland. Plus I'm going to all these places while I'm still in school, so it's taking much more time and effort than I originally thought. My sister, Holly, and I are planning an EPIC trip around Europe after my exams here are over, and are literally going to spend like 2 weeks traveling around, basically backpacking around Europe. To say I'm excited is an understatement.

Speaking of school, I managed to forget all about it last post. I was accepted and am now attending the National University of Ireland Galway (aka NUIG). So far I love most of my classes. It's very interesting to hear about topics from a non-American view point. For example, in my Psychology, Society, and Human Values class, we discussed how people come to form their view, morals, and ethics. Topics like gay marriage, human medical testing, religion, and other "taboo" topics came up and I found that Ireland is MUCH more liberal and accepting than I previously thought. It was very refreshing. The different thoughts and opinions I heard were ones that I had never really heard openly expressed in America. As for my other classes I'm taking there's: Forensic, Abnormal, and Clinical Psychology, Social Psychology, The Rise of Modern America (they talk about things I've never even heard of!), Studies in Medieval Drama, and Celtic Mythology, Religion, and Folklore. They're all pretty interesting as far as classes go, but I totally love my psych classes the most :)

I walk by this on my way to class :)

On a more random note, one of the main things I want to do while I'm here is hold a baby lamb. They're adorable and are my favorite farm animal besides horses. If I could take one home with me, I would in a heartbeat. Also Glee is 1/2 a season behind here. What am I going to do without my Glee!? I better find a website that I can watch it online or something because Hulu doesn't work in Ireland. Neither do netfllix or Pandora. I was not happy when I figured that out..

Seriously, how could you say No to this face?

I was walking around town the other day, and stopped to notice just how many buskers there are here. For those who don't know what busking is, its basically a street performer. There is practically one on every street in downtown Galway. I've found so much great music since I've been here ranging from Jessie J (a newer British artist. She's amazing, YouTube her), to Imelda May, to the Dubliners. It's great just to walk around town, grab a tea at a cute cafe, and read a book while you listen to the buskers on the street.

I Love Ireland. I may never leave.

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